The 1523 Project references the last year before Captain Verazzano sailed the Long Island coast. In his wake Native life changed forever.
Integrated technologies support education, careers, historical societies and museums.
Geographic Information Systems (GIS)
Cloud based archives
3D Scanning-VR-AR-Video Games
The field of Geography has gone high-tech. Now called GIS, it combines maps, satellite, sea floor data, topographic, terrain features and many others into complex maps that can be viewed on phones, tablets and computers.

This map shows LIDAR and bathymetric data laid over a regional map. It includes the continental shelf and continental abyss. This information helps us understand Native migration and settlement patterns.

Detailed maps can contain layers of information. This map shows
the location of resources, Native villages and
ceremonial sites on the East End prior to the Contact Period.
GIS creates educational and career opportunities.
For Historical Societies and Museums it is a new narrative tool.
Storymaps are a powerful narrative tool.
Combining maps with narratives allows for a new kind of
storytelling rooted in both history and geography. The storymaps can be visited from the ArcGIS site directly, or from a website.

The Storymap to the left was built by a descendant of the Aztec and uses graphics, history, maps to tell a specific story from a personal point of view.
This Storymap is stored at ArcGIS, but it can be embedded into a website.

Harriet Jacobs was the first African-American to write about her experience of being enslaved. This Storymap explores the history of her life and her accomplishments as an author.
This Storymap is stored at ArcGIS, but it can be embedded into a website.

ESRI, the parent company of ArcGIS has StoryMaps on specific subjects that are ready-to-go.
Click on the links to explore.

Quizzes & Games
for Classroom Lessons
Maps can be customized for quizzes and games.
The Storymap to the left has been configured to ask a question and have the viewer respond by moving the green circle over the correct geographic answer.
The game provides hints and positive feedback for a correct answer.
A Mammoth tusk was found
on Shelter Island
The map to the left indicates an archeological find.
Embedded within that map is a Storymap about Mammoths.
Any source or media can be embedded. Videos, photos, pdf's, links to archives, scholarly reports, libraries, experts or website links.

Live maps allow the viewer to zoom in and explore an area in great detail. They also provide links to bring the viewer to a Storymap, video, photo gallery, documents or archive.
GIS Technology can create VR, AR and realistic video game simulations of historical events, climate changes, travel routes and ancient landscapes.

GIS mapping technology can be used to create video games. It's possible to recreate Riverhead or Southampton in the Glacial, Paleo, Archaic and Woodland Periods. Buildings, roads and structures can be removed.
Ice, trees, and megafauna can be added
3D Scanning is easy and affordable
High Tech demonstration for 4th Grade
Preservation for Historical Societies
College and University Education & Careers
The duck pipe at left is the only one of its kind. Owned by a private collector, very few people have even seen it, yet it has importance for both the Native people and academic communities. By 3D scanning and printing the pipe, an exact replica can be made for museum display. The 3D file can be accessed by scholars worldwide.
The Native people suggest that sacred items like the duck pipe be returned to ceremonial use. Offering the private collector an exact replica may aid in the transfer of ownership.