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Map making has gone digital. Now called GIS (Geographic Information Systems) maps can be layered with information such as elevation, population, water sources, travel routes, demographics and so forth. The 1523 Project uses GIS to map ancient Native sites, link them to artifacts from those sites and connect them to the knowledge base of the region. The maps can be used as teaching tools, labeled with Algonquin names, linked to databases, embedded with videos and photos, turned into Storymaps, linked to libraries, websites and social media.

Some maps are available to the public, some are restricted to scholars

and others are reserved for tribal members.


The map to the left shows both LIDAR (Light detection and Ranging) and bathymetric data (Sea floor). It is a base map upon which other layers can be added. The map shows the Connecticut coast and its river system, Fishers Island once was a land bridge, coming very close to the Rhode Island shore.

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