The 1523 Project references the last year before Captain Verazzano sailed the Long Island coast. In his wake Native life changed forever.
of the Mattituck
Historical Society
The Mattituck Historical Society preserves and displays artifacts from both Early America
as well as Native American objects recovered from local farms.
The image to the left shows the Pilgrim village at Plymouth, Massachusetts. Similar structures were found on the Twin Forks after the arrival of English and Dutch settlers in 1640.

Welcome to the Museum!
The Museum offers history, videos, artifacts and much more. Scientists, scholars, explorers and artifact collectors have joined together to tell an exciting story.

Evidence for the arrival of the First People comes in the form of Clovis points. Named for the place where they were first found, Clovis, New Mexico they are dated to 12,500 BP (Before Present). Fourteen Clovis points have been found on Long Island including four on the Twin Forks.
Clovis points are used as an indicator of human presence because no older projectile points have been found. Yet there are 20,000 year old sites in Pennsylvania and Virginia within traveling distance of the Island. It is possible that people began living on the East End earlier than 12,500 years ago but there is no proof at this time.

Fourteen Clovis points have been found on Long Island, including four on the Twin Forks. The two Clovis points to the far left and right can be viewed at the Southold Indian Museum
An academic paper by Walter Saxon gives detailed information about these discoveries.

Clovis points killed Mammoths

Mammoth bones have been excavated with Clovis points embedded in them. Experimental archeology has determined that they were sharp enough and heavy enough to penetrate thick hides and deliver a killing blow.
Hunting methods changed through the ages as the climate warmed and new animals arrived on the land and sea. Over time Clovis points were abandoned and smaller projectile tips were used. Snares and traps also played a large role in hunting.
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Life in an Algonquin Village.
Professor Kevin McBride's video on life inside the ancient Algonquin world.
Dr. Gaynell Stone on the vanished Cuthogue tribe of the North Fork.
Professor John Strong on the rise of Chief Wyandanch's power after the Mystic War.
The Natural World and its climate changes are written into the landscape of the Island. Our land was once covered by huge glaciers. When they melted a new landscape was born. At first it was rocky, windy and barren. Then lichens, shrubs and grasses established themselves. Soon, there was enough food that the Ice Age animals began to roam the hills, valleys and plains.

Archeologists and collectors have been finding and preserving artifacts on the East End since 1899.
The duck effigy pipe to the left was used for the ritual smoking of tobacco. This pipe was held in the left hand while the right hand held a burning ember. Evidence for this is seen in the scorch marks. Made from local clay, it was found by J. Cobb on the South Fork.
Visit the Artifact Collection